Showing posts with label video games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video games. Show all posts

Monday, July 2, 2012

Screen Time is Melting Our Children’s Brains—Or Something

An ad hoc symposium.

Earlier this week, a post  at Psychology Today—“Computer, Video Games and Psychosis: Cause for Concern"—by child psychiatrist Victoria-Dunckley stirred up a bit of social media traffic with her contention that an excess exposure to video screens is responsible for the spread of hallucinations and other psychotic symptoms in our nation’s young. She is not calling this behavior an addiction as such, but maintains that it only happens in cases where 15-22-year olds, were “plugged in” for six or more hours each day. 

Her theory: “Electronic screens, particularly interactive ones (as opposed to passive ones, like television), increase dopamine in the reward center of the brain. Dopamine is known as the brain's 'feel good' chemical, but is also related to stress, addiction, anxiety, mood, and attention.  Dopamine in excess can lead to psychotic symptoms--voices, delusions, paranoia, or confusion.”

So there you have it. Feel free to comment on this assertion. All contributions welcome.

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Drinking on Television

Does alcohol on TV make you bend the elbow?

I have a guest post at All About Addiction covering a journal article in Alcohol and Alcoholism with the unambiguous title: “Alcohol Portrayal on Television Affects Actual Drinking Behaviour.”

It is an easy and familiar accusation. Over time, it has been levied at violent video games, drug use in the movies and alcohol advertising of every stripe. But what is the actual evidence for it? Leave it to a group of Dutch scientists to design a practical experiment to test the proposition when it comes to drinking.... More.

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