Showing posts with label varenicline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label varenicline. Show all posts

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Marijuana Can Make You Vomit, and Other Stories

Short subjects, various.

First, a recap of an earlier story, and a very strange story at that. Cannabinoid hyperemesis, as it's known, was not documented in the medical literature until 2004, and was first brought to wider attention earlier this year by the biomedical researcher who blogs as Drugmonkey. Episodes of serial vomiting appear to be a very rare side effect of regular marijuana use. Posting on his eponymous blog, Drugmonkey documented cases of hyperemesis that had been reported in Australia and New Zealand, as well as Omaha and Boston in the U.S.

As Drugmonkey reported, “patients had discovered on their own that taking a hot bath or shower alleviated their symptoms. So afflicted individuals were taking multiple hot showers or baths per day to obtain symptom relief.”

A year ago, I published a post on this topic, titled "Marijuana, Vomiting, and Hot Baths." Sure enough, a number of people left comments about their own experiences with this unusual and unpleasant effect. Recently, one of my commenters caught drugmonkey’s eye, and he noted it in his new blog post on the phenomenon:

“Dirk Hanson's post on cannabis hyperemesis garnered another pertinent user:

Anonymous said...
My son suffers from this cannabinoid hyperemesis. At this moment he is here at my home on the couch suffering. I have been up with him for 3 days with the vomiting and hot baths. He says this time its over for good. This is our third bout. The first two time we went to ER, they put him on a drip to hydrate him, and gave him some pain medicine and nausea medicine. After a few hours he went home and recovered. This time we went to Urgent Care, put him on a drip, pain med, Benadryl, and Zofran….

Drugmonkey writes: “I reviewed several case reports back in 2010.... and there was considerable skepticism that the case report data was convincing. So I thought I'd do a PubMed search for cannabis hyperemesis and see if any additional case reports have been published…. One in particular struck my eye. Simonetto and colleagues (2012) performed a records review at the Mayo Clinic. They found 98 cases of unexplained, cyclic vomiting which appeared to match the cannabis hyperemesis profile out of 1571 patients with unexplained vomiting and at least some record of prior cannabis use… this is typical of relatively rare and inexplicable health phenomena. The Case Reports originally trickle out... this makes the medical establishment more aware and so they may reconsider their prior stance vis a vis so-called "psychogenic" causes. A few more doctors may obtain a much better cannabis use history then they otherwise would have done. More cases turn up. More Case Reports are published. etc. It's a recursive process. “

In a story I think of as vaguely related, in the sense that it is a rare drug phenomenon unrecognized by the public, I recently wrote an article  for The Dana Foundation on the subject of “Smoking’s Ties to Schizophrenia.” In addition, check out a story about plans by the Air Force to make their hospitals and clinics smoke-free HERE. In brief: Smoke-free clinics pose major problems for heavy smokers with mental health disorders.

Speaking of hospitals, Michelle Andrews reports in Kaiser Health News that about half of the patients undergoing treatment in hospital emergency rooms are under the influence of booze. Alcohol screening and counseling can be effective in this context—but there’s a catch. “Regardless of state law, self-insured companies that pay their employee’s health care costs directly can refuse to cover employees for alcohol-related claims.”

Even though the National association of Insurance Commissioners does not recommend it, dozens of states have passed laws allowing health insurers to deny payment for a patient’s injuries if they were incurred while he or she was under the influence of alcohol. About as many states have passed laws prohibiting such exclusions due to alcohol. The result is one big mess, and confusion reigns. As a professor of health law put it: “There’s no reason to think that insurers, eager to hold down costs, wouldn’t continue” to deny payment for alcohol-related injuries.

And finally, some news about Chantix (varenicline), the drug both patients and doctors love to hate. It often works very well as an anti-craving medication for smoking cessation. But it can also, in some cases, present patients with a bewildering array of psychological side effects, including rare cases of suicidal ideation. A new study  by researchers at the Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center at the University of California, San Francisco, suggests that Chantix may have application in the treatment of alcoholism as well. Participants in the study reduced the average number of drinker per week on Chantix, compared to placebo. The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the State of California. Pfizer, the company that markets Chantix, did not fund or participate in the study.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

European Tree Yields New Alcoholism Treatment in Early Tests

Anti-Smoking Drug Also Curbs Alcohol Craving

A drug approved last year for smoking cessation has also shown promise for use against alcoholism, researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), announced yesterday.

Varenicline, currently marketed by Pfizer for smoking cessation under the trade name Chantix, dramatically curbed drinking in alcohol-preferring rats, according to the study, which will be published online this week by “The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.”

The synthetic drug was modeled after a cytosine compound from the European Labumum tree, combined with an alkaloid from the poppy plant.

Since an estimated 85 per cent of alcoholics are also cigarette smokers, varenicline could have an immediate effect on this common dual addiction. The drug has already been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for human use, so Pfizer is likely to be granted a speedy approval for the new indication, sources say. The drug is likely to join Antabuse (disulfiram), Revia (naltrexone), and Campral (acamprosate) as FDA-approved treatments for alcoholism.

Selena Bartlett of the UCSF-affiliated Gallo Clinic and Research Center, a co-author of the study, said that the drug works by disrupting the neuronal “reward pathway” of the brain. Specifically, the drug binds to acetylcholine receptors, a neurotransmitter involved in arousal and attention. Through a cascade effect, stimulating these receptors causes a release of dopamine, one of the primary pleasure chemicals in the brain. Varenicline prevents alcohol and nicotine from causing a release of dopamine at those sites.

“Treatments for alcoholism today are like those for schizophrenia in the ‘60s,” Bartlett said. “People don’t talk about it. There are very few treatments, and most drug companies are not interested in it.”

Bartlett said she hoped the research would spur additional studies of drugs for alcoholism. “It’s a disease. If you’ve inherited a gene variant, of if some other cause leads you to alcohol dependence, it should be treated--like any disease.”


“Drug to curb smoking also cuts alcohol dependence.” University of California, San Francisco, News Office. 09 July 2007.

“Need a Cigarette and a Cocktail? Just Pop a Pill Instead.” July 09, 2007
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