Controversial meth treatment program fails in major study.
Prometa—the drug cocktail designed to combat addiction to cocaine and methamphetamine—has fallen flat on its face in a double-blind, placebo-controlled 108-day study just published in the journal Addiction. Dogged all
Hythiam, the company that markets Prometa, had touted reports that 80% or more of Prometa users experienced “significant clinical benefit.” But MSNBC reported in 2008 that accountants in Pierce County, Washington froze the funding for an $800,000 pilot program, citing irregularities in testing. Investors in Hythiam, which is publicly traded, had been counting on the Pierce program after similar programs in Fulton County, Georgia, and in Idaho had failed to get off the ground. Things only got worse when the Tacoma News Tribune revealed that several county officials who had gotten behind the program also owned Hythiam stock.
Small rural communities that have felt the impact of meth sales and production in their communities are looking for help, and represent a significant market for an anti-addiction medication. However, in the case of Prometa, “The marketing is way ahead of the science,” said Lori Karan of the Drug Dependence Research Laboratory at the University of California-San Francisco. At the same time, Hythiam Executive Vice President Richard Anderson voiced strong objections to the Pierce County decision: “The people who are using it,” he said, “the doctors, patients, administrators, and drug court judges—are seeing an impact with it, so I think the treatment will carry it at the end of the day.”
But the day has ended, and the treatment did not carry it. The study in Addiction by a team of researchers at UCLA found no difference between Prometa and placebo in a group of 120 methamphetamine-addicted adults. The Prometa regimen, which can cost as much as $12,000 to $15,000 a month, “appears to be no more effective than placebo in reducing methamphetamine use, retaining patients in treatment or reducing methamphetamine craving,” the investigators conclude.
Ironically, the study was funded by Hythiam, as a response to complaints from the scientific community about a lack of rigorous testing. When it first launched the treatment, Hythiam was able to skim past the pesky drug approval process by exploiting a loophole in the FDA’s regulatory system that allows combinations of previously approved drugs to be marketed without formal review. Prometa was a blend of three existing medications: Neurontin (gabapentin) for epilepsy, Vistaril (hydrozyzine) for allergies, and Romazicon (flumazenil) for reversing benzodiazepine overdoses.
Ling, W., Shoptaw, S., Hillhouse, M., Bholat, M., Charuvastra, C., Heinzerling, K., Chim, D., Annon, J., Dowling, P., & Doraimani, G. (2011). Double-blind placebo-controlled evaluation of the PROMETA™ protocol for methamphetamine dependence Addiction DOI: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2011.03619.x
What the hell kind of a cocktail is that?
Gabapentin - OK, it might reduce anxiety and stabilize mood, although the evidence is poor and if you wanted to do that, there are better drugs. Ditto for hydroxazine. And why you want both of those is unclear.
But flumazenil? That doesn't do much if you haven't taken a benzo. but if it did do anything it would be to antagonize the gabapentin.
Ha, that's exactly what I always thought, good to hear it from someone who knows whereof. Seemed like a kind of loopy combination.
why does this treatment cost so much? If all of the three drugs have already been preapproved by the FDA and the insurance company already pays for the other three drugs how are they able to over charge for these drugs?
This seems like the all american Scam. They have free meth clinics free drug clinics, why not ask for true voluteers from these??
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