Friday, October 23, 2009

Bong Water Illegal in Minnesota

State Supreme Court calls it a “drug mixture.”

(See Update HERE)

The lesson is clear: If you live in Minnesota, and you happen to own a bong, be sure to pour out the water after each use.

Bong water is now officially a controlled substance in Minnesota, according to a state Supreme Court ruling last week. An Associated Press report by Steve Karnowski in the Minneapolis Star Tribune said the decision “raises the threat of longer sentences for drug smokers who fail to dump the water out of their pipes.”

The decision (PDF HERE) reverses two lower court rulings, which dropped charges in a case where a search of a Minnesota home included the discovery of a glass bong with 37 grams of liquid that tested positive for methamphetamine. Rice County authorities charged the homeowner with a first-degree drug offense for possession of a “drug mixture.”

The Minnesota Supreme Court ordered the case back to Rice County District Court prosecutors. The 4-3 decision, authored by Justice G. Barry Anderson, said that the bong water was clearly a drug “mixture” and therefore subject to state drug statutes. Anderson also wrote that a narcotics officer had alleged that drug users sometimes drink or inject bong water.

Justice Paul Anderson, writing in dissent, claimed the majority decision “borders on the absurd.” Bong water as a drug mixture carries a penalty of up to seven years in prison. However, when defined as drug paraphernalia, which is conventionally the case, the offense is a misdemeanor carrying a $300 fine and no jail time.

An attorney for the woman arrested and charged in the case said that officials were treating his client, “who had two tablespoons of bong water, as if she were a major drug wholesaler.”

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How Pure Is Ecstasy?

Dutch study of street MDMA.

For 16 years, the Drugs Information Monitoring System (DIMS) in The Netherlands has gathered and analyzed tablets of purported MDMA sold on the street as Ecstasy. In a research report published in Addiction, Neeltje Vogels and others at the Netherlands Institute for Mental Health and Addiction in Utrecht found that between 70 to 90 % of the samples submitted as MDMA were pure. The most common non-MDMA adulterant was found to be caffeine.

The study covered the years from 1993 to 2008. In the mid to late 1990s, researchers saw an increase in ephedra and methamphetamine in the samples, and sample purity hit an all-time low of 60% in 1997. The years from 2000 to 2004 were the golden era, so to speak, for MDMA purity. “After 2004,” the study authors write, “the purity of ecstasy tables decreased again, caused mainly by a growing proportion of tablets containing meta-chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP).” mCPP belongs to a class of stimulants, the so-called piperazines, that have been banned in several countries (See my post).

As noted on the DrugMonkey science blog, a lack of consistent published data has hampered efforts at studying street MDMA. Tablets for analysis are obtained either from law enforcement—which seizes drugs that may or may not be for sale at the club level--or drug analysis and harm reduction sites. The problem, DrugMonkey writes, is that “perhaps Ecstasy found to result in suspicious subjective effects on the user are submitted to harm reduction sites preferentially.” In other words, people only submit the brown acid.

The Dutch study, on the other hand, obtained samples for testing from capsules seized by club owners and given to the police, who then passed them on to DIMS for analysis. This system helped eliminate the possible bias effect of voluntary submissions.

The study also found that larger tablets, containing 100 mgs or more of MDMA, became increasingly popular starting in 2001.

DrugMonkey, an anonymous NIH-funded biomedical researcher, calls the study “an impressive longitudinal dataset.” The data, he wrote, give us “a good picture of the percentages of MDMA-only across time (higher than certain MDMA fans seem to acknowledge when it comes time to assess medical emergency cases) and the relative proportions of specific contaminants (certain baddies are quite rare.)”

Specifically missing in action most years is the baddy known as PMA, or para-methoxy-amphetamine, which has been implicated in many of the alleged Ecstasy deaths by overheating--a condition known as hyperthermia.

Graphics Credit: National Institute on Drug Abuse

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Moderate Drinking: The Debate Continues

New study says it’s the lifestyle, not the alcohol.

Ever since the first studies showed modest statistical health benefits for people who drank a light to moderate amount of alcohol, the debate has bounced back and forth among researchers. Now an Italian study of more than 3,000 older adults, published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, claims that it is the moderate lifestyle of drinkers, and not the alcohol itself, which helps prevent functional decline as we age.

After controlling for body weight, level of physical activity, education, and income, Cinzia Maraldi and coworkers in the Department of Clinical and Experimental Internal Medicine at the University of Ferrara pointed the finger at lifestyle characteristics—primarily weight control and exercise.

The researchers did not dispute the finding that moderate levels of alcohol intake can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease--but lead author Maraldi said in a press release that “the benefit of alcohol intake on other health-related outcomes is less convincing.”

Maraldi said the positive effects of moderate alcohol on physical aging and cognitive impairment in the elderly may be only apparent, “because life-style related characteristics seem to be the real determinant of the reported association.”

The research follows earlier U.S. studies suggesting much the same thing. A finding that had become common folk wisdom—with perhaps a little nudge from the alcoholic beverage industry--is now openly disputed by scientists.

“The moderate drinkers tend to do everything right,” said sociologist Kaye Middleton Fillmore, in a New York Times article by Roni Caryn Rabin. “They exercise, they don’t smoke, they eat right and they drink moderately.” In the same article, an Oakland cardiologist said: “It’s very difficult to form a single-bullet message because one size doesn’t fit all here, and the public health message has to be very conservative.”

In the New York Times article, Dr. Tim Naimi of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said: “The bottom line is there has not been a single study done on moderate alcohol consumption and mortality outcomes that is a ‘gold standard’ kind of study—the kind of randomized controlled clinical trial that we would be required to have in order to approve a new pharmaceutical agent in this country.”

Photo Credit: Rhodes University

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Another Round of Trials for Vigabatrin

Firm secures funding for anti-craving tests.

A Florida pharmaceutical company has secured financing for additional testing of the anti-addiction drug vigabatrin, despite the drug’s poor performance in earlier trials. Patrick J. McEnany, chairman and CEO of Catalyst Pharmaceuticals (CPRX) in Coral Gables, said the company would continue developing CPP-109 , its version of vigabatrin, for the treatment of cocaine and methamphetamine addiction.

Vigabatrin garnered early publicity on the basis of early trials suggesting it might be effective against stimulant addiction. Unlike alcohol and heroin, cocaine and speed have proven particularly resistant to treatment with other drugs designed to diminish craving. A drug that effectively reduced craving in abstinent cocaine and methamphetamine addicts would open up a potentially large and lucrative market.

Catalyst said it raised $3.97 million in a recent common stock offering from a group of investors including Federated Kaufmann Funds. Catalyst owns exclusive licensing rights to several patents related to vigabatrin from Brookhaven National Laboratory, reports Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News. The company also owns patents or patent applications in more than 30 countries. Catalyst recently acquired worldwide rights to a related patent held by Northwestern University.

Earlier, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had given Fast Track designation to vigabatrin. The drug increases brain levels of GABA, an inhibitory transmitter. However, CPP-109 failed in a mid-stage treatment for cocaine addiction. Brian Bandell of the South Florida Business Journal reported that during the 12-week study, the drug did not help addicts stay cocaine-free, compared to a placebo group. In July, the company’s stock was trading at a 52-week low of 39 cents.

Last week, Catalyst said its decision to renew testing and development efforts with vigabatrin was due to a reanalysis of data from the earlier test. The company said the review showed that overall test subject compliance rates during the clinical trial may have been as low as 40 %. The company also said that early results with methamphetamine addiction were promising, but not statistically significant due to the small number of test subjects.

Last year, there was also a flurry of interest in vigabatrin as a weight loss drug. (See my earlier post). The FDA has yet to approve the drug for use in the U.S., citing concerns about reports of retinal damage in patients overseas. Catalyst said it had not uncovered any clinically significant visual abnormalities in its CPP-109 testing programs.

Vigabatrin, or gamma vinyl-GABA, is marketed in Europe as Sabril, and has existing clinical uses for the treatment of specific types of epilepsy and infant spasms.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Top 50 Smoking Awareness Blogs

Addiction Inbox makes the cut.

Addiction Inbox is pleased to find itself listed among the "Top 50 Smoking Health Awareness Blogs" by the Pharmacy Technician Certification web site.

Here is the description included in the listing:

"An exhaustive, comprehensive, and stimulating catalogue of information pertaining to the science of substance abuse, the Addiction Inbox counts nicotine amongst its list of dangers. Expect to see articles regarding tobacco control alongside psychological studies on the physical, emotional, and mental elements of addiction."

Thanks go to Ashley M. Jones for the listing, and for bringing it to my attention.

The latest numbers on cigarette smoking from the American Heart Association show that 23.5 % of white males are smokers, with female smokers having closed the gap considerably with a smoking rate of 18.8 %.

26.1 % of black men are smokers, compared to 20.1 % of Hispanic males, and 16.8 % of Asian men. For women, blacks smoke at a rate of 18.5 %, followed by Hispanic women at 10.1 %, and non-Hispanic Asians at 4.6 %.

The tragic winners, and thus the losers, of the smoking sweepstakes are Native Americans, who show smoking rates of 35.6 % for men and 29.0 % for women.

Graphics Credit:

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Rehab Scandal: Relapse Rates

If 8 out of 10 addicts fail, is it really treatment?

The British drug treatment and recovery community has been squabbling recently over annual figures published by the National Treatment Agency (NTA) showing a marked increase in the number of people in drug treatment programs in Britain.

BBC home editor Mark Easton dug into the data and found that, of 202,000 people in treatment, a total of 7,324 “left the treatment programme drug free last year.” Ergo, “Just 3.6 % of those in treatment were discharged free of illegal drugs. “

Andrew Brown, a writer who covers addiction and substance abuse, cited studies showing relapse rates of 80 % or more, and wrote in the UK Telegraph that residential treatment advocates “can be fervent, and persuasive, in their enthusiasm, especially those individuals for whom rehab represents the turning point in their battle with addiction. But the fact is that the expected outcome from most people who enter a treatment centre remains—relapse.”

In the current issue of Newsweek, science writer Sharon Begley gives us some inadvertent clues. Since most residential treatment therapy revolves around individual and group counseling by psychologists, not M.D.s or prescribing psychiatrists, it is unnerving to discover, in a study highlighted by Begley, that clinical psychologists in general practice do not necessarily use “the interventions for which there is the strongest evidence of efficacy.” In other words, where’s the science?

This is an argument that severely rankles psychologists, naturally enough. But Begley writes that because of rigorous clinical trials, we know, for example, that cognitive behavioral therapy can be effective against depression, OCD, bulimia, and other strongly serotonin-mediated disorders. “Neuroscience,” writes Begley, “has identified the brain mechanisms by which these interventions work, giving them added credibility.”

What, then, do we find being used as therapeutic tools in such situations by psychotherapists in the trenches, including those in addiction treatment facilities? The answer, according to Begley, is likely to be “chaotic meditation therapy, facilitated communication, dolphin-assisted therapy, eye-movement desensitization....”

Begley could have added sacral cranial therapy, electric acupuncture, and a host of other questionable practices now subsumed under the broad rubric of clinical psychology. The point is obvious: With more than a thousand brands of psychotherapy currently being practiced, it is safe to say that the field is rife with conflicting opinions about what works.

The problem is that the addicted person has no way of knowing whether the clinical therapy on offer during treatment is backed up by enough sound scientific evidence to warrant participation.

As long as clinics are showing relapse rates not unlike those shown by alcoholics and other addicts going it alone, patients and those involved in their recovery have every reason to view addiction therapy programs with a critical eye.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

World Mental Health Day

Primary health care vs. mental health care.

Mental health care, including addiction, has traditionally run on a separate but very unequal track, compared to primary health care. Of the more than 450 million people around the world who suffer from a mental disorder, it is estimated that fewer than half receive medical help of any kind. Most developed countries have carved out mental health services as a distinct medical institution—one marked by less funding, reduced options, limited services, and little connection to overall health care needs.

Saturday, September 10, marks the 17th annual World Mental Health Day. Established by the World Federation for Mental Health, the day is commemorated through a variety of events and programs in more than 100 countries. The group calls for sustained advocacy on behalf of quality care for people with mental and emotional health problems all over the world.

The campaign theme for 2009 is “Mental Health in Primary Care,” with a focus on worldwide efforts to shift mental health diagnosis into mainstream healthcare. Primary care is the term used to describe the long-term relationship between an individual and their doctor. A person’s general doctor provides for health needs and coordinates additional doctors and services when needed.

The World Federation for Mental Health notes that “neurological disorders starting in the brain were once seen as a separate matter, not needing any physical monitoring—but in recent years there as been greater recognition of the very important link between good mental health and good overall health.”

The report also states that “those with severe and persistent mental illnesses are often twice as likely to have multiple physical health issues.”

Why is this shift a good idea? According to a study released last year by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Organization of Family Doctors, this approach has several advantages: “People can access mental health services closer to their homes, thus keeping families together and maintaining their daily activities.... Mental health care delivered in primary care minimize stigma and discrimination, and remove the risk of human rights violations that occur in psychiatric hospitals.”

In addition, according to the study:

--Most people seek help for mental health problems in primary care settings.

--Mental health problems frequently go untreated in the primary care environment.

--People of color, children, and the elderly are the least likely to receive appropriate care for psychiatric disorders.

--Primary care diagnosis of mental health problems reaches people who cannot or will not undergo specialty mental health care.

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