Child surgery makes smoking parents more likely to try quitting.
Here’s a strange one: Doctors at Mayo Clinic wanted to find out whether children undergoing surgery had any effect on the smoking behavior of their parents. And it did—but the effect appears to be short-lived.
The Mayo researchers began from the already well-tested proposition that smokers who have surgery are more likely to quit smoking. In fact, they quit at twice the rate of smokers who haven’t had surgery. Not hard to understand, intimations of mortality
For documentation, the investigators turned to the massive National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), a questionnaire served up annually to 35,000 households by personal interview. About 12% of children in the NHIS survey in 2005 were exposed to secondhand smoke. Of the thousands of children undergoing surgery, there was an increased likelihood that a parent of one of them would inaugurate a no-smoking attempt. But these quitters were no more likely to succeed in their attempt than any other quitters.
However, “parents having surgery within the previous 12 months was associated with more quit attempts, more successful attempts, and a greater intent to quit among those still smoking.” What happened to the indestructable bond between parent and child? It appears that concerns about one’s own health trump concerns about the health of offspring when it comes to quitting cigarettes. “We can only speculate about why surgery was a significant factor associated with sustained abstinence when experienced by the smoker but not the smoker’s child.”
There are plenty of limitations to these kinds of self-reported surveys, but it is hard not to speculate, along with the researchers. One obvious implication: the chances of a smoker quitting are at their maximum when parent and child both have surgeries.
“Our current findings suggest that having a child undergo surgery can serve as a teachable moment for quit attempts,” said Dr. Warner. “The scheduling of children for surgery may present us with an opportunity to provide tobacco interventions to parents, who are apparently more motivated to at least try to quit – but who need assistance to succeed.”
Shi, Y., & Warner, D. (2011). Pediatric Surgery and Parental Smoking Behavior Anesthesiology, 115 (1), 12-17 DOI: 10.1097/ALN.0b013e3182207bde
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