Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Addiction Touches Almost Everyone

75% of Americans know someone who is addicted.

A new survey by Lake Research Partners, sponsored by George Soros’s Open Society Institute and presented at the June 16 Conference of Mayors meeting in Providence, R.I., reveals that three of every four people surveyed said that they personally knew someone who has been addicted to alcohol or drugs.

More ominously, half of Americans “say they could not afford treatment if they or a family member needed it. They are also concerned that people addicted to alcohol or drugs may not be able to get treatment because of cost or lack of insurance coverage – a concern likely heightened by the current economic recession.” Moreover, financial concerns about treatment are highest among Americans with incomes less than $50,000. 67% of that income group said they would not be able to afford addiction treatment.

Among the survey’s other findings:

--Three‐quarters (75%) of Americans are concerned that people who are addicted to alcohol or drugs may not be able to get treatment because they lack insurance coverage or cannot afford it. Concerns about the affordability of and access to addiction treatment emerge throughout the survey results. Four in ten (41%) are very concerned.

--Nearly three‐quarters (73%) support including alcohol and drug addiction treatment as part of national health care reform to make it more accessible and affordable. This support cuts across all demographic groups. Lake Research Partners notes that this figure is quite high, “given the current economic climate and public concerns about government spending." One‐quarter (26%) oppose increased funding.

--Two‐thirds of Americans (68%) also support increasing federal and state funding for alcohol and drug prevention, treatment, and recovery services.

--Finally, more than nine in ten (96%) support providing specialized prevention, treatment, and recovery support to veterans and military returning from active duty (78% strongly support this effort).

The poll was sponsored by Closing the Addiction Treatment Gap , a program of the Open Society Institute. This program seeks to raise awareness around alcohol and drug addiction and its effects on family and communities. The telephone survey was conducted May 29-June 1, 2009 among a nationally‐representative sample of N = 1,001 adults 18 and older. The margin of sampling error is + 3.1 percentage points.

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1 comment:

  1. Nowadays, parenting style really influence the teen's whether it is good or not. It is bad, if the teens tends to rebel, due to there too much parental control. The teen's show there rebellion in means of heavy drinking, and use of drugs like 2C-D, dimethocaine, ethcathinone and alikes which if in too much doze of it can cause health problems, and death.

    Lets go for drug regulation, and that starts at home!


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